My coffee story

Until 1991, coffee was just a good drink for me and not much more. The supply in Sweden at this time was also not very large if compared to today.
Autumn 1991
It was time for a family party and I was in the store to shop. There I was struck by the thought, "Wonder if you should take and test a package of Maxwell House Java". Wow, something happened there. Can coffee taste this good? The experience gave me more taste and I started buying coffee from time to time at, among other things, Berg's coffee shop in Borås. After a few years I bought my own coffee grinder. Wow, something happened again. Can freshly ground coffee just before brewing taste so good?Spring 2010
I started buying beans with me on my trips abroad out of pure curiosity and for the first time I tried roasting green coffee, which was absolutely fantastic. Roasting at home in the oven requires a lot of ventilation as it smokes quite a bit. Hence, I later switched to roasting outdoors in the grill, which was appreciated, not least by the lady in my life.Beans from around the world
Over the years there have been beans from different parts of the world such as Ethiopia, Sumatra and Cuba, the list can be made long! I also have friends who helped me get beans from exciting places.My friend Vesa found a small coffee plantation in northern Thailand. They wanted to sell him at least a ton, but an old knave from Borås of course manages to get 6 kg of raw coffee for me. The deal included a package of Zoega's Skåne cheese, I have learned afterwards.
My friends Phil and Paula , who live half the year on Maui, Hawaii, picked up a kilo of coffee that grows wild outside the house where they live.
The boy's girlfriend Lovisa was on a bike ride down the Blue mountain in Jamaica, where one of the world's most exclusive coffee plantations is located. After very tough negotiations and a few dollars under the table, she manages to buy me 2 kilos of raw coffee.
My other friend Ingemar was in contact with the coffee plantation in Uganda when he was last there through a project for the school he works at. He hopes to bring some coffee with him next time he's there…
Stories and friends like these are incredibly appreciated. If you happen to run across a coffee plantation on one of your travels, you know….